This page contains papers from the Nielsen Lab starting in 2020. For earlier papers, please see Google Scholar.


Nielsen, Vaughn, and Deng. 2025. Nature Reviews Genetics.


Irving-Pease, Refoyo-Martínez, Barrie, Ingason, Pearson, and Fischer et al. 2024. Nature.

Allentoft, Sikora, and Fischer et al. 2024. Nature.

Allentoft, Sikora, Refoyo-Martínez, Irving-Pease, Fischer, Barrie, and Ingason et al. 2024. Nature.




Deng, Song, and Nielsen. 2021. Theoretical Population Biology.

Bloom et al. 2021. Science.

Svedberg et al. 2021. Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Rocha et al. 2021. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Pipes et al. 2021. Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Wang, Pipes, and Nielsen. 2021. Virus Evolution.


Shchur et al. 2020. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics.

Margaryan et al. 2020. Nature.

Pei et al. 2020. PLoS Computational Biology.

Corbett-Detig et al. 2020. Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Barrett et al. 2020. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.